Sixth Form

Birkrigg Class

Birkrigg is one of the two Sixth Form classes at Sandside Lodge.  We work towards empowering our students to make choices and have increased confidence to move on to the next stage of their lives.  Students can work towards ASDAN awards and follow a programme of learning, which offers a range of opportunities and experiences.  These include the chance to participate in Horticulture on the Allotment, The John Muir Award and The Duke of Edinburgh Award. The curriculum is enriched with a range of creative, physical and sensory programmes and opportunities including residential trips.  Work related learning and work experience along with college links support students with readiness for life after school.

We feel Sixth Form is like a family, here to support one another.

Our aim in Sixth Form is to have fun as we learn together.


Class Teacher

Autumn Term Timetable

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