Sandside Outreach Support

Sandside Outreach support (SOS) is an area of work within school which offers support to students with a diagnosis of autism in mainstream local schools.   Led by the SOS manager we work closely with the  Specialist Advisory Teachers for Autism to identify students and schools who would benefit from additional support.
Within school we have many skilled and experienced staff to support the manager in her role, as well as a number of Autism Advocates.  Staff have been trained in sensory processing and autism in order to provide a variety of approaches to support individualised programmes. Our advanced trainers develop clear plans which include effective and appropriate interventions and strategies to assist individual students at school, home and in other settings.
Our support is varied dependent on individual students and their school settings.
Examples include;
  • Groups or individual students accessing Sandside Lodge School (SLS) to work with staff on specific programmes or to access our resources.  These may be cook and eat sessions which develop independent living skills and support sensory issues or access to shared areas in school to work on social skills.
  • Learning walks/Autism ‘lens’ – we can visit your school or setting and observe from an autism viewpoint, focusing on a specific area such as the environment or equipment.  Following this we can feedback to staff, other staff training or mentoring, or produce an action plan for you to implement in your setting.
  • We can provide specific staff training and share examples of good practice and resources from within our own setting.
  • We have a range of equipment which an be loaned to schools as a ‘try before you buy’ these include peanut balls, trampettes and Zuma rocker chairs.

We are not limited to the areas above, our approach is open, adaptable and what works best for the student.

In July 2019 we achieved our National Autism Accreditation (NAS).  Below is what the NAS said about our school.

The assessment report confirms that the school provides personal centred support based on a thorough understanding of individual challenges and strengths.  Autism advocates play an important role in ensuring a consistent and informed approach is taken to support autistic young people.  A range of communication support strategies are in place and the work done to support autistic young people in their sensory regulation is considered outstanding.  The young people benefit from accessing a wide range of differentiated educational and therapeutic activities.  Their confidence and self-esteem is enhanced and quality of life outcomes improved.  Feedback from families and the young people themselves is overwhelmingly positive.

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