

Jenny Marshall

Chair of Governors

Cheryl Athersmith

Deputy Chair of Governors

Basia Nowak

Sue Sanderson

Ania Krepa

I have been a clerk to governors at Sandside Lodge School since 2012. I moved to England from Poland in 2009. My full time job is being a Teaching Assistant and a Head of Year 7 in a local secondary school. Personally, I am a mum of 3 children who do not allow me to ever get bored. As a family, we love cycling, cooking and baking and travelling.

Matthew Sloan

Matt has been appointed to the Governing Body as a Parent Governor
Ade John

Ade John

IT Manager in school since 2013. Previously I have been a class teacher, head of department, union rep and school governor. I have written and published two books, a novel, and one about entropy. In my spare time I teach A level Maths and am a member of a fell running club.

Adele Broadhurst

Adele has been appointed to the Governing Body as a Parent Governor

Sam Roberts

I trained to be a teacher and specialised in English at Saint Martins College in Lancaster and started Sandside Lodge as a teacher in 2009. I grew up on a farm so have a love of the outdoors, in particular walking my dogs and developing my allotment.

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