Our School Development Plan
This helps us plan out the things that we feel are important to focus on to make Sandside Lodge School even better. We are always looking for ways to create the best possible environment and enhance staff skills and knowledge to make sure that all our students thrive and flourish.

Our school logo has the Thrive Approach colours showing our commitment to Emotional Development and Well-Being.
School Development Plan 2024-25
Valuing the Present, Preparing for the Future and Learning for Life
To provide students with a holistic curriculum that supports them to develop academically and socially, and through their physical and emotional resilience to succeed in life as independently as possible in their communication, relationships and engagement both in and out of school.
Key Priorities:
- For class staff to have a greater understanding and consistent approach to using specialist interventions to support the progress of students.
- To provide opportunities to support and develop understanding and knowledge of strategies for parents.
- For Governors to have a greater input into the school through growth and training.
- To develop plans and fundraising for The Lodge to become a working café with meeting room for students and the community.
- Work with the Local Authority to develop SEND in the area.
School Development Plan 2023-24
School Vision:
Valuing the Present, Preparing for the Future and Learning for Life
To provide students with a holistic curriculum that supports them to develop academically and socially, and through their physical and emotional resilience to succeed in life as independently as possible in their communication, relationships and engagement both in and out of school.
Key Priorities:
- Achieve the highest standard of success in the Wellbeing Award for Schools, implementing changes where appropriate (Behaviour and Attitudes)
- Develop teachers to lead their class team and deliver robust learning and assessment opportunities for all students (Quality of Education)
- Develop non-teaching Leaders to manage their teams and responsibilities effectively (Personal Development)
- Fundraise and start refurbishing The Lodge building as a new café and meeting room for students to gain valuable work experience, using them to input into the plans and works (Personal Development)
- Develop further opportunities to mentor and establish effective working practices to best support student and staff needs (Leadership and Management)
School Development Plan 2022-23
School Vision: To provide students with a holistic curriculum that supports them to develop academically and socially, and through their physical and emotional resilience to succeed in life as independently as possible in their communication, relationships and engagement both in and out of school.
Key Priorities:
- Develop Leadership across the whole school. (L&M)
- Develop and embed a new curriculum to enhance and enrich learning opportunities with robust assessment that reflects progress over time. (QoT) (PD)
- Develop the skills and understanding of Teachers and Teaching Assistants to effectively deliver learning for all students. (QoT)
- Provide a supportive and positive school environment for students and staff. (B&A)
- Identify areas of need and create opportunities to support parents/carers so that they are better able to support at home.
- Empower schools, professionals and the wider community to best support people with special needs.
School Development Plan 2021-22
- Continue to write and deliver new curriculum offer in line with Intent, Impact and Implementation
- Expand outdoor provision and curriculum working with Morecambe Bay Curriculum and Lancaster University
- Further embed English along with Read, Write, Inc. across the school
- Focus on development of maths across the school
- To create a portfolio to support the MOVE Centre of Excellence Award
- Establish Sandside Outreach Support provision across Cumbria
- To achieve NAS advance status
- Develop assessment procedures using SOLAR or accredited qualifications to track progress
- Develop an effective system to track progress of individual students using the new curriculum (implementation and impact)
- Monitor the impact of the curriculum from EYFS to Post-16
- Re-establish opportunities for students to access after school activities
- Further embed Behaviour Support Plans
- Develop more consistency in using sensory diet plans across the school
- Continue to foster positive relationships that students feel safe and secure and can report issues to staff
- Empower students through choosing the curriculum theme for Spring Term and involving them in reviewing the curriculum
- Develop strong links and support opportunities with Moving Mindsets trailblazer
- Develop the role of all Thrive Approach Practitioners across school
- Develop clear AAC practices and consistency across the school
- Maintain proactive personalised approaches to learning in line with students’ needs
- Develop effective use of the school outdoor environments; Forest Schools and MUGA to support mental health and well-being and provide additional learning opportunities
- Develop senior leadership team
- Strengthen links with Governors
- Recruit new Governors
- Support new Deputy Headteacher to the school (Jan ’22)
- Develop subject leaders through coaching and mentoring related to the new curriculum
- Support new DHT as assessment lead and develop robust student progress meetings
- CPD offer to staff to improve knowledge and skills across the school
- Support NPQ routes linked to SDP
School Development Plan 2020-21
- Begin to deliver new curriculum offer in line with Intent, Impact and Implementation
- Introduce Read, Write, Inc. across the school
- To create a portfolio to support the MOVE Centre of Excellence Award
- Establish Sandside Autism Support provision across Cumbria
- To achieve NAS advance status
- Develop assessment procedures using SOLAR or accredited qualifications to track progress
- Develop an effective system to track progress of individual students using the new curriculum (implementation and impact)
- Monitor the impact of the curriculum from EYFS to Post-16
- Support students back to school after Covid-19 restrictions
- Develop use of SOLAR for behaviour (from CPOMS)
- Use positive behaviour plans to inform personal development and support return of students
- Maintain safe regulation activities within bubbles
- Embed consistency across the school relating to routines and support
- Support attendance particularly related to Covid-19 issues
- Set up remote learning where appropriate for classes
- Develop understanding of keeping safe, including living in a Covid-19 world
- Deliver and assess the Recovery Curriculum (linked to Thrive)
- Develop the newly trained Thrive Approach Practitioners across school
- Embed personalised approaches to communication in line with the schools total communication ethos
- Maintain proactive personalised approaches to learning in line with students’ needs
- Further develop effective use of the school environment
- Manage all Covid-19 related risks and communicate guidance and changes as they arise
- Develop subject leaders through coaching and mentoring related to the new curriculum
- Monitor Staff well-being through agreed systems especially Covid-19 issues)
- Support new assessment lead and develop robust student progress meetings
- CPD offer to staff to improve knowledge and skills across the school
- Support staff to use the new website effectively