Forest Schools

Forest School

Forest School is nature-based child-centred learning that takes place outdoors.

It is a long-term programme that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences in natural settings.

It is closely linked to well-being recognising the social, emotional and physical needs of the students.

Why we do it?

At Sandside Lodge School we follow a Forest Schools approach accessible to all students. Over the past five years students have loved this programme and benefited in many ways. Such as:

  • working as a team 
  • learning new skills
  • becoming more adventurous
  • increasing resilience when the weather has other ideas!
  • appreciating nature
  • caring for plants and animals
  • visiting new places and finding their way round
  • building confidence when doing new activities
  • respecting the environment and keeping it clean

It is exciting to see what ideas the staff and students will bring. 

Example of session

We meet outside in the woodland. The birds are chirping, the gentle wind rolls across the hills while wellington boots search for puddles or mud!

The woodland has been checked and the equipment is ready. Our focus in on the well-being,  (physical and emotional) of each student. The woodland space is a blank canvas, full of textures and materials ready to be experienced.

During this time of exploration and discovery, the adults’ role is to provide the safety and security for students to take calculated risks and learn new skills whilst having lots of fun!

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