Ofsted Reports

We had the last Ofsted Visit in June 2024. They thought: 

“the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding…”. 


What Ofsted Said…

About our pupils:

“Pupils thrive at Sandside Lodge School. They benefit from expert staff who have a strong understanding of how to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school places a clear focus on developing the independence of pupils. Alongside this, there is a relentless determination to ensure that pupils are suitably prepared for adulthood. All pupils are nurtured as individuals. Pupils are happy at school.”

 About the staff:

“Staff know pupils incredibly well and they tailor learning opportunities to meet their individual needs. Pupils make considerable progress from their starting points.”

About opportunities:

“Opportunities to promote pupils’ personal development are exceptional. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including when online. Bespoke opportunities for pupils to develop their own talents are skilfully interwoven into all aspects of the school day.”

About communications:

“Developing pupils’ communication skills is a top priority for the school. Opportunities for pupils to interact with others in meaningful ways, using the techniques that are most appropriate to them, are embedded across the curriculum. Regular visits into the community enable pupils to practise their communication skills in readiness for adulthood. Staff model language effectively, including use of signs and symbols, from the early years through to sixth form.”

About our students future aspirations:

“The work to foster and support pupils’ future aspirations and careers starts in the early years. Throughout their time in the school, pupils benefit from many meaningful opportunities to experience the world of work, which supports pupils to achieve their goals. Sixth-form students achieve a range of qualifications which are appropriate to their future interests and ambitions. This ensures that all pupils, including students in the sixth form, move on to positive, aspirational destinations.” 


What We Also Do Well

We are always looking for ways to improve our provision for the wonderful students we serve and we have achieved many external accreditations and recognition such as:

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