Behaviour Policy

How We View Behaviour at Sandside Lodge School

We believe that the quality of learning, teaching and behaviour in school are inseparable issues, and the responsibility of all staff.  Standards are maintained when we are consistent in delivering good practice in teaching, learning, behaviour and wellbeing (including mental health) management.

Communication between staff, students, parents, carers and involved professionals is key in order to maintain a consistent approach.

To enable learning to take place preventative action is most effective.  Where this fails, Sandside Lodge School will have clear, firm and supportive strategies in place to help student manage their behaviour.

At Sandside Lodge School we provide an environment where there is mutual respect, support, encouragement, security and independence, where all the members of the school share responsibility embedding this ethos.

You can view our full behaviour policy, along with our other policies on our policies page.


At Sandside Lodge School we aim for good behaviour by;

  • Knowing our students well and what motivates them to learn
  • Being aware of a student’s emotional state and offering support and interventions
  • Using total communication to ensure students and staff understand what is being asked of them
  • Using positive language
  • Acknowledging, responding to and highlighting positive behaviour
  • Using clear and consistent language
  • Setting of clear boundaries
  • A clear, structured and consistent response to challenging behavior,
  • Offering an accessible and personalised curriculum
  • Using a range of behavior strategies to support access to learning
  • Offering structure and routine
  • The modelling of appropriate behaviour
  • Effective classroom organisation and motivating activities that are meaningful and relevant.
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