Welcome to Sixth Form
The Sixth Form provision is made up of 2 classes; Birkrigg & Fellfoot Class. We work closely together to achieve and develop the students independent skills. Students spend up to 3 years in Sixth Form, in which time develop their knowledge and understanding of the next steps and future opportunities. Students work of a 3 year rolling programme where they have the opportunity to achieve a range of ASDAN programmes.

Timetable Summer Term 2024

Students work through ASDAN My Independence modules across the 3 years within Sixth Form:
My Independence is a suite of four certificated programmes for young people with a range of special educational needs. Mapped to the preparing for adulthood (PfA) pathways, My Independence is ASDAN’s key programme to achieve positive outcomes for young people with an education, health and care plan (EHCP).
We are currently offering our Sixth Form students a curriculun linked to Realising Aspirations or Supporting Aspirations, dependent on their level of study.
Realising Aspirations has been developed around the four preparing for adulthood pathways, each pathway comprises three modules:
- friends, relationships and community
- employment
- good health
- independent living
The module outcomes are based on what needs to be in place for a young person to plan for the future and make a successful transition to new opportunities at college, in the community, on training programmes, employment or in supported living.
The aim of the Supporting Aspirations course is to better prepare young people with PMLD to plan for good life outcomes.
Supporting Aspirations has been developed around the four preparing for adulthood pathways, each pathway comprises three modules (image pathways/modules):
- friends, relationships and community
- employment
- good health
- independent living
The module outcomes are based on what needs to be in place for a young person with PMLD to plan for the future and make a successful transition to new opportunities at college, adult social care, training programmes, employment or in supported living
The Sixth Form offers broad and balanced learning opportunities to support our young people in developing their independence in preparation for the next stage in their lives (however that may look for them).
In English, students work within different groups according to their level of need. Students work on functional skills which will equip them as best possible for their future lives. ASDAN Lifeskills Challenges; ranging from Working towards Entry Level 1 – Entry Level 3. The programme of study has been developed to ensure a broad range of Functional English topics are being offered to our students at different levels.
Within expressive Arts, we cover creative art, drama and production and some music. We feel this part of our tailored curriculum offers the students an opportunity to creatively express themselves, develop their confidence, work as a team and appreciate the work of others. We believe that it is important for our students to have choice, and therefore students are able to make a choice between art or drama.
Work Experience in our Sixth Form provision covers a range of learning opportunities and experiences. These include participation in;
– Horticulture on the school allotment.
– The John Muir Award at Fellfoot Park.
– The Duke Of Edinburgh Award in the community.
– Work experience at trusted and familiar work place settings in the community or in school work opportunities (e.g Office work, site mantainance, working with younger students)
– Work related learning through participation in Business Enterprise Projects (making for profit).
In Leisure, we aim to improve students knowledge of healthy lifestyles, both physically and mentally. We follow programmes of wellbeing, (including Yoga, sensory sessions and public leisure activities). We support students in accessing opportunities which we believe students could access independently or with support in their free time both in the community or at home, now and in their future lives.
We look towards public sessions when planning activities within the community and this allows students to develop their understanding of the varied leisure opportunities within their local community. e.g Boxing clubs, Swimming, Snooker sessions, Local Gyms, Local Walks, Badminton etc.
As part of the learning, students develop an understanding of the costing involved when organising and arranging leisure activities for themselves.