

We have lots of policies in school, if you can’t find one or would like a printed copy of any policies please contact the school to arrange this.

 Policies reflect what we do in school and how we do it. We update these on a regular basis and make any changes that are needed.

All our policies are shared with the staff and Governing Body to agree. 

Absence (Apr 2024)
Access to Fair Assessment (Feb 2023)
Admissions Criteria (Feb 2024)
Admissions Policy (Feb 2024)
Anti-bullying Students Policy (Feb 2023)
Appraisal Policy
Aquatic Therapy Policy
Atendance Policy
 Behaviour Policy (Feb 2023)
 Careers Policy (April 2023)
Catch Up Funding Plan
 Charging and Remissions Policy (Apr 2024)
Code of Conduct (Feb 2023)
Complaints Policy (June 2023)
Community Cohesion Policy (Feb 2023)
Crisis Management Plan (Feb 2023)
Curriculum Policy (Feb 2023)
Cyber Response Plan (Feb 2023)
Data Protection Policy (Feb 2024) 
Educational Visit Policy 
ECT Policy (Apr 2023)
External Course Work and Exam Assessment (Feb 2023)
EYFS Policy (Feb 2023)
Freedom of Information Policy *
Health and Safety (Sept 2022)
ICT Acceptable Use (Feb 2023)
Internal Moderation (Feb 2023)
Marking and Feedback (Feb 2023)
Medical Conditions (Feb 2023)
Menopause Policy (Feb 2022) 
Pool Hire Agreement 2023
Rebound Policy
RHSE Policy (Feb 2023)
Safeguarding Policy (Feb 2023)
Safer Recruitment Policy and Procedure *
SEND Policy and Information (Feb 2023)
Time Off 
Touch Policy (Feb 2023)
Whistleblowing Policy (2022)
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