Special Educational Needs

Everyone at Sandside Lodge School is committed to providing the conditions and opportunities to enable all students with SEND to be included fully in all aspects of school life. We value individuality and create an environment where our wonderful students thrive and flourish. Our vision is to provide students with a holistic curriculum that supports them to develop socially, physically, emotionally and academically to succeed in life as independently as possible.

Please refer to our SEND policy for further detail on how we support SEND at Sandside Lodge School:

  • To ensure all students are accessing a curriculum tailored to their individual needs.
  • To ensure all students have access to the appropriate resource to support their learning.
  • To ensure that lessons are stimulating, enjoyable and well-differentiated to meet the needs of all children and young people with SEND.
  • To ensure that additional support is well targeted to meet individual needs.
  • To assess, identify and respond to changing needs of students.

  • Having staff who are professionally equipped to ensure the best learning environment for our students
  • Having a physical environment which allows our students to learn
  • Having clear, timely and accurate reviews of our students learning needs
  • Working with other professionals to ensure all the whole of a pupil’s needs are met
  • Involving parents and carers in their child’s education and ensuring we listen to them.
  • Ensure all staff implement the school’s SEND policy consistently.
  • Ensure any discrimination or prejudice is eradicated.
  • Ensure all students have access to an appropriately differentiated curriculum.
  • Recognise value and celebrate students’ achievements at all levels.
  • Work in partnership with parents/carers in supporting their child’s education.
  • Guide and support all school staff, governors and parents in SEND issues.
  • Meet the individual needs of all students irrespective of whether they have physical, sensory, emotional, social, mental health, specific or general learning needs.
  • Provide appropriate resources, both human and material, and to ensure their maximum and proper use.
  • Involve the student to ensure that their wishes will be taken into account as part of the process and of the shared responsibility in meeting his or her educational needs.
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