Comments from Our Parents
Every child is different and the days and targets reflect their individual personalities. We like to support them so they are happy at school and make as much progress as they possibly can, in whatever area needs to be developed.
If you wish to make your own comments, then please email the school. You can also make comments to ofsted here: Ofsted Parent View
It’s lovely when parents say nice things about what we do. Here are some examples.
Thank you all for helping him enjoy his day and learn so many new things.
It is clear that you know and understand him very well. We are so proud of all that he has achieved – he amazes us with everything he knows.
Thanks again for the support and care given to him.
(Autumn Term report 2024)
What a fantastic start to the year he is having! So happy with how well he has settled, especially as he’d not been with any of the other children before. He is always happy to get on the bus in the mornings so that’s a great sign. He’s coming along so well especially since using Grid on the iPad and loving his new love of books.
(Autumn Term report 2024)
We are so pleased to read such a positive report about our daughter’s progress this term. What a difference from a short time ago. We can’t believe she has just one term left at Sandside! We can see at home little changes in her behaviour and skills, confidence in writing things herself and wanting to do more without us. We loved the show, it was fantastic. Thank you for all your hard work.
(Spring Report 2024)
What a lovely report to receive. We are thrilled with his development over this term and are looking forward to seeing him develop so much more over this last term of his first year. Thank you all so much for all your time, effort and love that you put in to make our boy reach and surpass all his potential.
(Spring Report 2024)
We are so pleased at how well he has settled into his new class. We are amazed at how much he is able to show us and he seems much more engaged. We are very thankful to the teacher and the team for their persistence and hard work to make this happen. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings. We are such proud parents.
(Autumn Report 2023)
Thank you for a lovely report. We know that he can be challenging – but it’s great to hear that he is making progress in many areas. Thank you for all your efforts and perseverance.
(Autumn Report 2023)
I am so pleased with the progress she has made since starting with Sandside. She has come on leaps and bounds. Thank you everyone for working so hard with her.
(Summer Report 2023)
We are so proud of how far our son has come on his first year at Sandside. He loves going into school and I look forward to seeing the Seesaw updates and how happy he is. He has improved socially especially with his peers and his speech is improving constantly.
(Summer Report 2023)
My daughter is so much happier in the school setting. It is so nice to see her want to go to school now. … The future for her looks brighter and brighter each day.
Fantastic progress for my son, we are so proud of him. We feel his confidence and tolerance for noise and others are growing and it is fabulous to see him so happy and settled. Thank you to all staff that make his time at school so enjoyable.
She has really enjoyed having you as her teacher (as you saw written in her own words in your card 😊) and we are so grateful to you for your patience, support and encouragement. It was lovely reading her school report and seeing all the areas in which she has progressed and seeing on a regular basis her using the strategies you have helped her develop to overcome some of the things she finds difficult.
(Summer Report feedback 2023)
We have been thrilled with our son’s progress this year. His speech and understanding have really developed and we have seen lots of positive changes. He loves school and to see him so happy, settled and finally belonging is all we wanted. His team have been outstanding and are committed to keeping him safe with his seizure management being followed with such commitment. Thank you to all the management team for making Sandside such a wonderful, nurturing place.
(Summer Report 2023)
We are so pleased that she is doing very well. A great termly report and we are so very proud of her! She loves her school and all the great support she is given.
(Spring report 2023)
My daughter, who is now in Sixth Form, has been attending school since the age of 2 and a half and I can honestly say I have never had one moment to doubt she is in the best setting for both her physical and cognitive needs. Her programme is always designed around her and her quirkiness to bring out the best in her. Perhaps most importantly in some ways, she loves school and has always looked forward to going
Very happy with his progress. He’s really growing and turning into an independent young man, knowing his likes/dislikes, wants and needs and is now able to communicate this through his body language and his AAC. He is now fully toilet trained and is also more willing to try different foods. The teacher and all the TAs do an amazing job at supporting and encouraging him. It’s lovely to see, hear and read about his progress and I love to see pics on Seesaw.
(Spring report 2023)
We are very pleased with how he is getting on in school. He loves his time there and his confidence is growing. He has staff that really understand and help him to achieve his best – thank you all so much.
(Spring report 2023)
Our daughter has been well supported this year, especially trough her tricky moments. She loves coming in to school and it’s lovely to see her grow, learn and thrive in a caring environment.
His independence is going from strength to strength. … Since starting Sandside his abilities are able to shine through.
So good to see him enjoying school, making progress in class and starting to make friends.
We have really noticed him using his communication aid more – he loves creating phrases to share with us. Thanks to all the team!
We’re delighted with his progress since he went up to 6th Form. His confidence is growing and he is talking more. He’s really enjoying being in the community.
(Spring report 2023)
We are so pleased with all of his progress – he is doing so well. We would like to thank all of the staff for helping and understanding him and enabling him to achieve so much this year. He loves coming to school and being a part of the Sandside community.
(Spring report 2023)
We have great communication around his needs and learning. We are very happy with all of the support he receives. Thank you to all of the staff for helping him enjoy his time in school and all of the help with communication, toileting and endless other things – we appreciate all you do.
I am very proud of the progress my daughter is making. Her confidence is growing. She has loved her Thrive sessions and likes to tell me about the topic work she has been enjoying.
We have removed individual student’s names from some of these comments.