The Governing Body at Sandside Lodge School
Sandside Lodge School has a strong Governing Body that takes a strategic role, acts as a critical friend to the school and is accountable for its decisions. It sets aims and objectives and agrees, monitors and reviews policies, targets and priorities.
All Governors have an area that they are responsible for supporting within the school and have a link member of staff they liaise with.
You can see all of our current governors on this page: Governors
General Terms
- To liaise and consult with staff other bodies where necessary.
- To contribute to the School Development Plan.
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all Governing Body functions.
This may be comprised of:
- 4 parent governors
- 1 LA governor
- 1 staff governor
- 1 Headteacher
- 4 co-opted governors
Non-voting participants may be invited to meetings by the Governing Body as and when required. The Deputy Headteacher may attend as an observer as may other staff inline with Continued Professional Development opportunities with the prior permission of the Governing Body.
The Governing Body has decided not to have standing sub-committees. All information is heard by all governors in Full Governing Body meetings. Ad-hoc committees are set up as necessary for dealing with individual issues.